Building Accessibility Surveys

Accessibility Surveys

Work Proactively Instead of Reactively

Do you have a building with accessibility problems? Sometimes, it’s hard to know. Without a comprehensive survey, your team will react instead of planning for the future.


The right survey and a 3D scan can tell you what’s wrong, and our team of experts can help you with how to fix it. GreenLight 360 provides digital 3D scans that are reflective of the real world conditions, and builds a survey to meet your specific needs, giving your team exactly what they need to coordinate and plan ahead.

For one or 1,000 buildings, bring your building to your desktop, use fewer red pens, and make better plans.

GreenLight 360’s survey, documentation, analysis and remediation design provides a cohesive process for addressing accessibility concerns.

Over 2 million measurements by survey experts

3D, 2D, 1D, all
at your fingertips
at any time

Capture reality to analyze reality, and design reality

Designs based
on experience and understanding

Retail Case Study

For one client, GreenLight 360 completed customized ADA compliance surveys, virtual tours, 3D models, and plans that helped their teams identify the extent of their accessibility problems.

Whether you need to measure one site or multiple sites across the US, we can contribute to your team’s success.

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